Messolonghi. The western part of Central Greece is primarily occupied by the prefecture Etolokarnania. The beauty of the sea combined with the mountains is magnificent. The capital of the prefecture Etolokarnania is Messologhi, the holy city of Greece (244 km/152 mi from Athens). The heroic exodus of the "free besieged" was a crucial point in modern Greek history and a source of inspiration for poets such as Solomos and Lord Byron. Every year, during the day of Lazarus and Palm Sunday the "Exodus" is remembered. Messologgi is a nice, quiet town with a lot of traditional houses. The architecture is notable. A visit to this city will remind you of past times. The city was founded in the sixteenth century on three islands at the mouth of the Acheloos and Evinos rivers. The main attractions of the city are the lake and the road to Tourlida.
Text: Jorgos and Wendy Nikolidakis - Text Edited by Katrina Butzer
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